Triangle Transmission & Auto Repair

Phone Icon (919) 432-5962
40 Years of Combined Experience

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Triangle Transmission & Auto Repair

Phone Icon (919) 432-5962
40 Years of Combined Experience

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Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. || Saturday: By Appointments Only
Affordable Auto Repairs for Your Vehicle
Free Transmission Diagnostics || Free Towing for Major Repairs within 10 Miles

Improved Handling with Auto Suspension Repair Raleigh & Durham, NC

When most drivers think about shocks and suspension, they’re thinking about smoothing out the ride. Yes, this is one crucial function, but an even more crucial role is to control the tires. The idea is to keep the tires in contact with the road as much as possible.

When it feels as if your vehicle is bouncing down the road, you likely have problems with the shocks and suspension. This impacts the way the car handles, as well as how well it steers and brakes. Take back control of your vehicle with auto suspension repair in Raleigh & Durham, NC. Make an appointment for service at Triangle Transmission & Auto Repair.

Auto Suspension Raleigh Durham NC

Replace the Shocks for a Smooth Ride

The technicians at our auto repair shop are trained to look for signs of trouble. After all, an issue with the suspension might not be so simple. We’ll keep an eye out for other symptoms, such as tire wear and tear, as well as fluid leaks.

After determining the exact problem, we’ll recommend a target solution, such as replacing the shocks. It’s best to buy them in pairs as they both experience the same amount of wear. Once this is done, you can expect a smoother and safer ride, with improved control from your car’s suspension.

Brakes Service & Repairs
Brakes Service
  Shocks & Suspension
Shocks & Suspension 
  Engine Repairs
Engine Repair
  Transmission Maintenance
Transmission Services

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Thank you for your interest. For questions or comments, please use the information below. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

(919) 432-5962

Service Area
Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, Garner, Clayton, Morrisville, Millbrook

Privacy Policy

202 S Hoover Road 
Durham, NC 27703

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: By Appointments Only